The below list of books are a useful introduction for those seeking to understand more about Christian Home Education and to become Christian Home educators.  It is not an exhaustive list. Albeit CHESS members may not agree with everything each author says, their background and knowledge of this subject is highly valuable.

To find these books for sale go to Google Books and enter the title and author.  Google will then highlight if and where the book is for sale.

Another Way To Learm
Compiled by Molly Ashton
This book will inspire those who are curious and encourage those already on the journey. Packed with practical advice, it is an irresistible call to bring education right back to the heart and hearth of the family.

A Survivor’s Guide to Home Schooling
Luanne Shackelford and Susan White
Full of encouraging ideas and amusing anecdotes based on the author’s own experience.

Better Late than Early
Raymond and Dorothy Moore
Encourages a relaxed approach to home education especially with boys.

Christian Family Helps
Steve Sherwood 
Booklets available on the website here include; Family Bible Quotes, The Urgent need for Christ centered education, A Word for Women, Home Education – A Testimony and many more encouraging writings.

Choosing and Using Curriculum
Joyce Herzog
900 AirportRoad #21, Chattanooga, TN 37421, USA. Tel. 00-1-423-553-6387
Recommended. It contains helpful reviews of curricula and teaching methods. Talk also available as an MP3.

Educating the Wholehearted Child
Clay and Sally Clarkson
Using real books and real life to make your home a centre of learning.

Educating Your Child at Home
Jane Lowe and Alan Thomas
An excellent introduction to home education in the UK, although not a Christian book.

For the Children’s Sake
Susan Macauley
A deeply practical book showing that education can be a life-enriching experience if it is based on a Christian understanding of what it means to be human.

Gaining Confidence to Teach
Debbie Strayer
The author speaksfrom the heart on topics such as “the call to home school” and “facing changes and enduring trials” and deals with the thorny topic of relatives.

Home-Schooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit
Teri Maxwell
A useful book for mums on a bad day. Contains many practical insights.

Home Educating with Confidence
Rick Boyer
Subtitled “How Ordinary Parents can Produce Extraordinary Children”.
Based on the experiences of the Boyers who educated all their 14 children at home.

Making the Right Impression
CHESS (Available from CHESS as part of membership)
Twenty-one British, Christian, home educating families give personal accounts of their experiences of raising children without school. 

One to One
Gareth Lewis
Nezert Books, Le Nezert, 22160 Duault, France
A practical guide to teaching 0 – 11 year olds at home. Not specifically Christian but useful to anyone involved in children’s education, grandparents etc.

Shepherding a Child’s Heart
Tedd Tripp
Highly recommended. This book teaches parents how to speak to the heart of a child by providing a biblical approach to child rearing.

The Importance of Christian Education
Dr. Stanley Jebb (Available from CHESS)
A short but valuable booklet, ideal material to pass to those who are considering home education. 

The Hands-On Dad
Rick Boyer
Outlines seven biblical principles for fathers and shows how they apply in home education.

The Socialisation Trap
Rick Boyer
An answer to the common misconception that home taught children are socially deprived, based on scripture, recent research and personal experience.

Unqualified Education
Gareth Lewis
NezertBooks, Le Nezert, 22160 Duault, France
A practical guide to teaching11 – 18 year olds at home